Saturday Morning Watchmen

Nel video: Watchmen di Alan Moore e Dave Gibbons trasformato in un cartone stile Hanna e Barbera.

Prima pagina di Watchmen;
Watchmen in versione Simpson;
Watchmen: foto dei protagonisti del film di Zack Snyder;
Watchmen Manga!
The Keene Act: il governo americano vieta le attività dei vigilanti mascherati.
Operazione Ira di Dio: il Dr. Manhattan vince la Guerra del Vietnam (foto d'epoca).
I racconti del Vascello Nero, trailer e copertina del dvd.
Sette poster di Watchmen;
Il Dr. Manhattan in un telegiornale del 1970.

Strong together, united forever
They're the best of friends

When troubles about, you'd best watch out
For the Watchmen!

Nite Owl is their leader
And he loves to party down

Rorschach's friends to the animals
when hes not clowning around

Beat up some thugs, say no to drugs
Be in bed by 10

But when troubles about, you'd best watch out
For the Watchmen!

Silk Spectres a sensation
You should really never miss

The Comedian's her biggest fan
Now, If he could only get that kiss!

Adrian and Bubastis are
Crimesolving superstars

John can give you cancer
and can turn into a car

Strong together, united forever
Come and meet your friends

Have no fear, times up, times here
For the Watchmen!



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